ABB接触器1650A资料pdf,ABB接触器1650A资料AF1350/AF1650 3-pole Contactors
a.C./d.C. Operated -Wide voltage range
Electronic Coil Interface
o The most compact 1650A contactor
O Modern family design to match other ABB products
O Type 2 coordinated with breakers
Adaptive control: stability, convergence and robustnessLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Sasiry, Shankar( Sosale Shankara
Shankar Sastry anEl Mare bodson
m. Prentice Hall information and systcm sciences
entice hall advanced rcf
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five in a row (五子棋成功预测)
从横、纵、 左斜升、 左斜降 四个角度判断
matrix = 50*50
point = 3
type Coordinat struct{
x int
y int
type Allinat struct{
key []Coordina