The formalism of probabilistic graphical models provides a unifying framework for capturing complex dependencies among random variables, and building large-scale multivariate statistical models. Graphical models have become a focus of research in ma
%ARMAQS Estimates ARMA parameters via the q-slice algorithm. % [avec, bvec] = armaqs(y,p,q, norder,maxlag,samp_seg,overlap,flag) % y : time-series (vector or matrix) % p : AR order % q : MA order % norder: cumulant order: 3 or 4 [def ault = 3 ] % ma
Sumio Watanabe。高清原版PDF,已经裁边,适合阅读。用pdf xchange pro恢复裁剪的页面:依次点:左下角“选项”->“视图”->页面缩略图(快捷键是ctrl+T)。左侧面板中的缩略图,页面右键->裁剪页面(快捷键是ctrl+shift+T)。弹出的菜单中:“设为0”->(页码范围框中)选中“全部”->确定。Taylor Francis
Taylor Francis Group
该库执行一般的欧洲期权(远期)定价和希腊文。 基本收益F通过F = fe sX-κ(s)由正向f和vol s参数化,其中κ(s) = log E [ e s X ]]是X的累积量。 我们可以并且确实假设X具有均值0和方差1,因此E [ F ] = f和Var(log( F ))= s 2 。 有关详情,请参阅。
要实现变量X的模型,请编写一个具有成员函数S cumulant(S s, size_t n)和X cdf(X x, S s, size_t n)的类,这些成员函数
We propose a method of modulation format identification based on compressed sensing using a high-order cyclic cumulant combined with a binary tree classifier. Through computing the fourth-order cyclic cumulant of the pretreated band signal, which is