离散数据集Unix_user_data This file contains 9 sets of sanitized user data drawn from the command histories of 8 UNIX computer users at Purdue over the course of up to 2 years (USER0 and USER1 were generated by the same person, working on different platfo
( lsa新旧比较.rar ) When multiple instances of the same LSA are received, a router determines which is the most recent by the following algorithm: Compare the sequence numbers. The LSA with the highest sequence number is more recent. If the sequence num
伯克利的“信号与系统” The course begins by describing signals as functions, focusing on characterizing the domain and the range. Systems are also described as functions, but now the domain and range are sets of signals. Characterizing these functions is the t
HokoBlur (中文版本请参看这里) HokoBlur is an Android component which provides dynamic blur effect. 1. Introductions Functions: Add blur to the image; Dynamic blur, real-time blurring of the background。 Features: Multiple schemes: Renderscr ipt、OpenGL、Native
派特莱报警器EWH24E/EXN 手册pdf,派特莱为防爆产品预先录制了音乐与旋律的组合,适合2区和22区的应用。■ How Explosion Occurs
Various Applications for Explosion-Proof, Explosion-Safe and Harsh Environments.
Prerequisites for an explosion
Mixture of oxygen and explosive substance develop
三维空间上单点渐进成形轨迹的开发自动生成策略描述。Top contour
Lofted surface
Fig. 2 Points generated on the contour toolpath
Fig. 2), so that the 3D spiral toolpath(Fig. 3) can be subsequently
generated by linear interpolation between consecutive contour
PFC和FLAC耦合的SCI文章,This study investigated earth pressure balance (EPB) shield tunneling–induced responses in terms of muck pressure, machine
parameters, and surface settlements using an efficient numerical scheme that couples PFC3D and FLAC3D software
The characteristics of terahertz radiation from an n-type InN excited by femtosecond laser pulses tunable from 750 to 840 nm are experimentally studied. Terahertz emission from InN is closely bound up with the Dember effect. Terahertz emission can be
Sensitized-emission fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) detection method based on three-channel fluorescence microscopy is widely used. Several FRET algorithms, such as NFRET, FRETN, FR, FRETR, and FC/Df, are developed recently to quantitat
Impossible differential cryptanalysis is a method recovering secret key, which gets rid of the keys that satisfy impossible differential relations. This paper concentrates on the impossible differential cryptanalysis of Advanced Encryption Standard (
Applicability of the angular properties of scatter elements as a tool to achieve improved slow light performance with small group velocity dispersion and large bandwidth in photonic crystal waveguides is investigated. A polyatomic photonic crystal wa
ArtWitch-充满爱的手工制作! v2
This web app represents a 4th milestone project for Code Institute's Fullstack Web Developer course.
This app will also be used as real world e-commerce web site later on by my friend who decided to venture into business of sel