来自http://www.codeplex.com/netcdf NetCDF (network Common Data Form) is a software library and a standard binary data format supported by Unidata (http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/) that enables the creation, access, and network sharing of
This technical report defines the Department of Defense (DoD) World GeodeticSystem 1984 (WGS 84). This third edition reflects improvements which have been made to theWGS 84 since the second edition. The present WGS represents the National Imagery an
The first edition of this book was conceived as a result of my experience writing and maintaining large Fortran programs in both the defense and geophysical fields. During my time in industry, it became obvious that the strategies and techniques re-
This textbook evolved from a course in geophysical inverse methods taught during the past two decades at New Mexico Tech, first by Rick Aster and, subsequently, jointly between Rick Aster and Brian Borchers. The audience for the course has included a
John Stockwell的su教程《A Course in Geophysical Image Processing with Seismic Unix》配套代码和数据 一共800多m,分三部分上传。上传的时候part2大小超标,已经审核通过的part1不知道怎么修改,所以将part2又分成了两个分卷。下载所有压缩包以后,先解压part2分卷,然后在解压整个文档,麻烦之处请见谅。
John Stockwell的su教程《A Course in Geophysical Image Processing with Seismic Unix》配套代码和数据 一共800多m,分三部分上传。上传的时候part2大小超标,已经审核通过的part1不知道怎么修改,所以将part2又分成了两个分卷。下载所有压缩包以后,先解压part2分卷,然后在解压整个文档,麻烦之处请见谅。
John Stockwell的su教程《A Course in Geophysical Image Processing with Seismic Unix》配套代码和数据 一共800多m,分三部分上传,这是part3。上传的时候part2大小超标,已经审核通过的part1不知道怎么修改,所以将part2又分成了两个分卷。下载所有压缩包以后,先解压part2分卷,然后在解压整个文档,麻烦之处请见谅。