C语言的科学和艺术-源代码cslib -- Version 3.1Last modified on Mon Mar 6 08:10:24 1995 by eroberts--------------------This directory contains version 3.1 of the cslib libraries, whichconsists of minor bug fixes fro m version 3.0. For details, seethe changes.txt
ITU-T G.729 Annex B ANSI-C Source Code Version 1.4 Last modified: November, 2000 */ TITLE ----- Fixed-point descr iption of Recommendation G.729 with ANNEX B Coding of Speech at 8 kbit/s using Conjugate-Structure Algebraic-Code-Excited Linear-Predic
C/C++ 语言参考手册 C/C++ Reference General C/C++ Pre-processor commands Operator Precedence Escape Sequences ASCII Chart Data Types Keywords Standard C Library Standard C I/O Standard C String & Character Standard C Math Standard C Time & Date Stand ard C
ITU-T G.729 Source code ITU-T G.729 Annex B ANSI-C Source Code Version 1.4 Last modified: November, 2000 */ TITLE ----- Fixed-point descr iption of Recommendation G.729 with ANNEX B Coding of Speech at 8 kbit/s using Conjugate-Structure Algebraic-Co
• ls --- lists your files ls -l --- lists your files in 'long format', which contains lots of useful information, e.g. the exact size of the file, who owns the file and who has the right to look at it, and when it was last modified. ls -a --- lists
/*=====================================================*/ /* 1. This Program Use ICCAVR 6.31A Compile System */ /* 2. Make Use Of Attiny2313 Singlechip Fosc = 16MHz */ /* 3. Last Modified : 2006-09-16 15:54 */ /* 4 Version Number : V1.0 */ /* 5. Edi
1 , Manager.zipThis has assorted functions (file copy, time, settings, etc).2 , manc-html.zipAn example I did to retreive an Email Address or URL from an HTML file.3 , basFile.zipThis bas fi le is filled with assorted file related functions. If you
Overview Package Class Tree Deprecated Index Help PREV NEXT FRAMES NO FRAMES A B C D E F G H I J L P R S U V -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A addCookie(Cookie) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.Ht
function varargout = key1(varargin) % KEY1 M-file for key1.fig % KEY1, by itself, creates a new KEY1 or raises the existing % singleton*. % % H = KEY1 returns the handle to a new KEY1 or the handle to % the existing singleton*. % % KEY1('CALLBACK',h
css(name) 访问第一个匹配元素的样式属性。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return a style property on the first matched element. 返回值 String 参数 name (String) : 要访问的属性名称 示例 取得第一个段落的color样式属性的值。 jQuery 代码: $("p").css("co
1、断点续传的原理(来自网络) 在了解HTTP断点续传的原理之前,先来说说HTTP协议,HTTP协议是一种基于tcp的简单协议,分为请求和回复两种。 请求协议是由客户机(浏览器)向服务器(WEB SERVER)提交请求时发送报文的协议。回复协议是由服务器(web ser ver),向客户机(浏览器)回复报文时的协议。请求和回复协议都由头和体组成。头和体之间以一行空行为分隔。 以下是一个请求报文与相应的回复报文的例子: GET /image/index_r4_c1.jpg HTTP/1.1 Ac
function varargout = caishuzi(varargin) %CAISHUZI M-file for caishuzi.fig % CAISHUZI, by itself, creates a new CAISHUZI or raises the existing % singleton*. % % H = CAISHUZI returns the handle to a new CAISHUZI or the handle to % the existing single
在 Blog 盛行的今天,一些 Web 应用需要解析大量的 RSS Feed .如何提高效率是个非常重要的问题.在 MagpieRSS 的 Features 中列举了这样的一条: HTTP Conditional GETs Save bandwidth and speed up download times with intelligent use of Last-Modified and ETag.. 这里的 Etag 引起了我的注意.
什么是 Etag ?
通过阅读 RFC 2616 ,