LEACH协议OMNET++仿真源代码 The code contains two directories: one is a distributed LEACH version, the other one a centralized where the base station (assumed to know everything) chooses the optimal cluster head. The "optimal" is in the code approximated vi
This is a simulation of LEACH (Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy), a well-known cluster-based protocol for sensor networks with an extension to make it solar-aware. This simulation was created for the following paper: Thiemo Voigt, Hartmut Ri
关于duelingdqn的原始论文,适合初学者对深度强化学习duelingdqn的认识和了解Dueling Network Architectures for Deep Reinforcement Learning
et al.(2016). The results of Schaul et al.(2016) are the 2.1. Deep Q-networks
current published state-of-the-art
The value functions as descri
IEEE Standards for
Local and metropolitan area networks—
Virtual Bridged Local Area NetworksIEEE Standards documents are developed within the IEEE Societies and the standards coordinating Committees of the IEEE Stan-
dards Association(IEEE-SA) Standa