Vincent 3D Rendering Library for Pocket PC ========================================== Overview -------- Vincent develops a compliant implementation of the OpenGL (R) ES 1.1 API specification for Pocket PCs and
投影矩阵的教程 Introduction Projective texture mapping is a method of texture mapping described by Segal [3] that allows the texture image to be projected onto the scene as if by a slide projector. Figure 1 shows some example screen shots from the projspot
We describe the clipmap, a dynamic texture representation that efficiently caches textures of arbitrarily large size in a finite amount of physical memory for rendering at real-time rates. Further, we describe a software system for managing clipmaps
在Android Studio 3.0中一旦我们创建了一个项目,一个名为mipmap-anydpi-v26自动创建的文件夹在res文件夹下。它究竟能干什么?为什么我们需要这个?我们在开发时该如何利用它?
Android Studio 3.0会为您的应用程序创建一个自适应图标,该图标仅在sdk 26中可用。启动图标应放