A NEW INTRODUCTION TO MODAL LOGIC Preface ix Part One: Basic Modal Propositional Logic 1 The Basic Notions 3 The language of PC C) Interpretation D) Further operators F) Interpretation of A , D and s G) Validity (8) Testing for validity: (i) the tru
With the vast development of Internet and media technologies, intelligent video event analysis is a gradually growing field of research in recent decades. Significant challenges include how to handle background clutter, occlusions, as well as intera
Tutorial for EM software ! Improved ab initio 3D reconstruction from class averages using stochastic neighbourhood hill-climbing for initialisation of the 3D orientation search, improving the success rate from around 40% to 90-100% for more challeng
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This book is a guide to modern production planning methods based on new scientific achievements and various practical planning rules of thumb. Various batch computation methods are described in detail, while production planning is considered on sever
Non-intrusive inspection systerms based on X-ray radiography techriques are rou tinely used at transport hubs to ensure the conforrmity of catgo content with the supplied shipping manifest. As trade volurmes increase and regulatiors become more strin
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In multirate digital signal processing, cosine-modulated filter banks (CMFB) satisfying perfect reconstruction (PR) or near-perfect reconstruction (NPR) property are of great interest owing to their extensive applications in data compression, feature