检测仪器 TD500 (针对需要 UL 认证的市场)[手册]pdf,EN
Hazardous voltage. Will cause death or serious injury. Turn off and
lock out all power supplying this device before working on this device
Replace all covers before power supplying this device is turne
Non-intrusive inspection systerms based on X-ray radiography techriques are rou tinely used at transport hubs to ensure the conforrmity of catgo content with the supplied shipping manifest. As trade volurmes increase and regulatiors become more strin
针对当前不同的非白噪声背景研究很少,根据噪音、语音和音乐的性质并且结合统计学理论,提出一种在不同噪声背景下低信噪比的语音/音乐分割算法。以往的检测算法很少考虑低信噪比的环境,首先从音频数据中提取新的特征参数概率密度比(probability density ratio,PR)和概率密度比过零率(probability density ratio crossing rate,PRCR),特征参数在低信噪比环境下亦能明显表征语音和音乐的不同特性,然后根据音频的特性对PRCR进行修正,再基于此修正的特