Praise for Programming Collective Intelligence “I review a few books each year, and naturally, I read a fair number during the course of my work. And I have to admit that I have never had quite as much fun reading a preprint of a book as I have in r
This is a book for the computationalist, whether a working programmer or anyone interested in methods of computation. The focus is on material that does not usually appear in textbooks on algorithms. Where necessary the underlying ideas are explaine
I review a few books each year, and naturally, I read a fair number during the course of my work. And I have to admit that I have never had quite as much fun reading a preprint of a book as I have in reading this. Bravo! I cannot think of a better w
“I review a few books each year, and naturally, I read a fair number during the course of my work. And I have to admit that I have never had quite as much fun reading a preprint of a book as I have in reading this. Bravo! I cannot think of a better
function [PSNR, y_est] = BM3D(y, z, sigma, profile, print_to_screen,N2,N2_wiener,Ns,Ns_wiener,tau_match) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % BM3D is an algorithm for attenuation of additive white Gaussia
# DDC-transfer-learning A simple implementation of Deep Domain Confusion: Maximizing for Domain Invariance which is inspired by [transferlearning][]. The project contains *Pytorch* code for fine-tuning
关于Noisy Networks for Exploration dqn的原始论文,适合初学者对深度强化学习Noisy Networks for Exploration dqn的认识和了解Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2018
T is assessed by the action-value function Q defined as
rR(t, at)
where E is the expectation ove
关于duelingdqn的原始论文,适合初学者对深度强化学习duelingdqn的认识和了解Dueling Network Architectures for Deep Reinforcement Learning
et al.(2016). The results of Schaul et al.(2016) are the 2.1. Deep Q-networks
current published state-of-the-art
The value functions as descri
Matrix factorization is a powerful data analysis tool. It has been used in multivariate time series analysis, leading to the decomposition of the series in a small set of latent factors. However, little is known on the statistical performances of mat