New Book: ROS By Example: Packages and Programs for Advanced Robot Behaviors The main chapter headings are as follows: 1. Scope of this Volume 2. Installing the ros-by-example Code 3. Task Execution using ROS 4. Creating a URDF Model for your Robot
1. Purpose of this Book 2. Real and Simulated Robots 3. Operating Systems and ROS Versions 4. Reviewing the ROS Basics 5. Installing the ros-by-example Code 6. Installing the Arbotix Simulator 7. Controlling a Mobile Base 8. Navigation, Path Plannin
很好的slam入门资料 本文档的目标是对slam领域进行教程介绍(同时定位和绘图)移动机器人。有很多关于这个问题的论文,但是对于一个新的领域的人来说,它需要很多小时研究了解实施SLAM所涉及的许多复杂问题。这个因此,希望在保持最低限度地理解文档所需的先决条件。实际上应该是读完本文后,可以坐下来进行基本的尝试。 The goal of this document is to give a tutorial introduction to the field of SLAM(Simultaneou