DS12887是美国达拉斯半导体公司最新推出的时钟芯片,采用CMOS技术制成,把时钟芯片所需的晶振和外部锂电池相关电路集于芯片内部,同时它与目前 IBM AT计算机常用的时钟芯片MC146818B和DS1287管脚兼容,可直接替换。采用DS12887芯片设计的时钟电路勿需任何外围电路并具有良好的微机接口。DS12887芯片具有微轼耗、外围接口简单、精度高、工作稳定可靠等优点,可广泛用于各种需要较高精度的实时时钟场合中。其主要功能如下: (1)内含一个锂电池,断电情况运行十年以上不丢失数
NASA的锂电池数据集,适合做健康管理与故障预测。Battery Data Set(电池数据集)Descr iption: Experiments on Li-Ion batteries. Charging and discharging at different temperatures. Records the impedance as the damage criterion. The data set was provided by the Prognostics CoE at NASA
nasa电池实验数据集.csv 格式 ,用于锂电池寿命预测 Descr iption: Experiments on Li-Ion batteries. Charging and discharging at different temperatures. Records the impedance as the damage criterion. The data set was provided by the Prognostics CoE at NASA Ames.