iPhone 3D 报表Demo源码,3D报表可以通过随着手机的转动一起转动(请在3GS和iPhone4上运行)。3GS通过加速器感应手机姿态,iPhone4通过陀螺仪感应。程序效果和代码讲解请见:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4cdc44df0100thbn.html
Action recognition and human pose estimation are closely related but both problems are generally handled as distinct tasks in the literature. In this work, we pro- pose a multitask framework for jointly 2D and 3D pose estimation from still images an
Anipose is an open-source toolkit for robust, markerless 3D pose estimation of animal behavior from multiple camera views. It leverages the machine learning toolbox to track keypoints in 2D, then triangulates across camera views to estimate