Contents Preface to the Third Edition, vii Preface to the Second Edition, ix Preface to the First Edition, xi Preliminaries, 1 Part 1: Preliminaries, 1 Part 2: Algebraic Structures, 17 Part I---Basic Linear Algebra, 33 1 Vector Spaces, 35 Vector Spa
DAY 1 THE VISUAL C++ DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT—BUILDING YOUR FIRST VISUAL C++ APPLICATION 7 The Visual C++ Development Environment............................................................8 The Output Pane ...........................................
Preface xv Acknowledgments xvii 1 Overview 1 1.1 History of Mobile Cellular Systems 1 1.1.1 First Generation 1 1.1.2 Second Generation 2 1.1.3 Generation 2.5 5 1.2 Overview of 3G 8 1.3 Proposals for 3G Standard 10 1.3.1 WCDMA 10 1.3.2 Advanced TDMA
Contents at a Glance Planning a Database Server Infrastructure Deploying and Consolidating Multiple Instances Designing SQL Server Security in the Enterprise Designing Database Server Security Policies Designing SQL Server Endpoints Designing Databa
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