JAVA试题(100道) —————————————————————————————————————— 题目1: 下面不属于基本类型的是:c (选择1项) A) boolean B) long C) String D) byte 题目2:d 如下程序中: (1)public class CharToInt (2){ (3) public static void main(String[] args) (4) { (5) int a,b=10; (6) char c='语'; (7) a=b+c
oracl 和db2 常用语法比较: 1、取前N条记录 Oracle:Select * from TableName where rownum <= N; DB2:Select * from TableName fetch first N rows only; 2、取得系统日期 Oracle:Select sysdate from dual; DB2:Select current timestamp from sysibm.sysdummy1; 3、空值转换 Oracle:Select
explained in the concrete
Moreover, according to characteristic of the motor' s structure, the old
Three-step Starting Technology" has been improved. What is more
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