主要内容如题:多线程,并行和分布式所使用的程序设计 Product Descr iption Foundations of Multithreaded, Parallel, and Distributed Programming covers-and then applies-the core concepts and techniques needed for an introductory course in this topic. The book emphasizes the prac
ARM架构参考手册,英文原版: ARM Architecture Reference Manual Part A Chapter A1 Chapter A2 Preface About this manual ................................................................................ xii Architecture versions and variants ........................
TensorFlow.js, Google 提供的基于TensorFlow的Javascr ipt库。方便使用JS的开发者使用,并且可以为未来的边缘计算提供支持。TensorFlow. js: Machine Learning for the Web and beyond
acceleration, notably TensorFire(Kwok et al., 2017), Propel Layers APl, which provides higher-level model buildin
ARM® Cortex™-A7 Series Version: 4.0 Programmer’s Guide This Cortex-A Series Programmer’s Guide is protected by copyright and the practice or implementation of the information herein may be protected by one or more patents or pending applications.Co
The Z Garbage Collector
Low Latency GC for OpenJDK
Per Lidén & Stefan Karlsson HotSpot Garbage Collection Team Jfokus VM Tech Summit 2018genda
1>What is ZGC?
2> Some Numbers
3>Under The Hood
4> Going Forward
5>How To Get Started
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