// This program sets up the EV timers (TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3 and TIMER4) // to generate T1PWM, T2PWM, T3PWM, T4PWM and PWM1-12 waveforms. // The user can then observe the waveforms using an scope.
1.1 FEATURES Memory configuration Four 8-bit timer. (T0, TC0, TC1, TC2). Flash ROM size: 6K x 16 bits. Including EEROM T0: Basic timer. emulation. (In system programming) TC0: Timer/counter/PWM0. RAM size: 512 x 8 bits. TC1: Timer/counter/PWM1.
1.1 FEATURES Memory configuration Four 8-bit timer. (T0, TC0, TC1, TC2). Flash ROM size: 6K x 16 bits. Including EEROM T0: Basic timer. emulation. (In system programming) TC0: Timer/counter/PWM0. RAM size: 512 x 8 bits. TC1: Timer/counter/PWM1.