A digital clock that displays date and time information built from the format string DS Clock is a free digital desktop clock that displays variable date and time information built from the format string. The program allows you to fully customize it
Contents Acknowledgements Introduction Who Is This Book For? What Does This Book Cover? How This Book Is Structured What Do You Need to Use This Book? Conventions Source Code Errata xix xxi xxi xxii xxii xxv xxv xxv xxv Chapter 1: Unix Fundamentals
怎么自己建立MAYA2008的材质库 自己研究搞定了,方法如下: 1.在C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\maya\projects\default中建立文件夹“Shader Libray”。在再Shader Libray中建立文件夹“.mayaSwatches”。 2.执行:Window-Rendering Editors-Hypershade-Tabs-Create New Tab 在Create New Tab面板中
Undoubtedly, there is a swatch of Javascr ipt toolkits available today, so you might already be wondering what Dojo provides that you can’t get somewhere else. Keeping in mind that the very nature of a toolkit or library being built upon a completel
Linux swatch命令
Linux swatch命令用于系统监控程序。
swatch可用来监控系统记录文件,并在发现特定的事件时,执行指定的动作。swatch所监控的事件以及对应事件的动作都存放在swatch的配置文件中。预设的配置文件为拥护根目录下的.swatchrc。然而在Red Hat Linux的预设用户根目录下并没有.swatchrc配置文件,您可将/usr/doc/swatch-2.2/config_files/swatchrc.personal文件复制到用户根目录下的.swa