详细的揭示了linux下的AT&T汇编指令使用方法,给出了各种汇编指令,指令用法,以及相应的例程。其中包括一些如何使用汇编链接C语言库,汇编调用系统调用,汇编执行浮点运算,C语言内嵌汇编等。 Chapter 1: What Is Assembly Language? 1 Processor Instructions 1 Instruction code handling 2 Instruction code format 3 High-Level Languages 6 Types of hi
Only for RetaiL version ! Don't for TriaL version ! 1) Rename Alcohol.exe on _Alcohol.exe in install directory of Alcohol 2) copy this Alcohol.exe in install directory of Alcohol 3) start register.reg 4) start Alcohol.exe in install direc