自己在作一些小工具的时候,对那千篇一律的窗口实在是深恶痛绝,于是将常使用的皮肤控件BusinessSkinForm中的皮肤,汇集一下,做了一个DLL,用起来也方便。 ------------------------------------ //取得指定Skin function GetSkin(const aSkinName: PChar; var Stream: TMemoryStream): Boolean; //取得dll中所有的皮肤名称 function GetSkinsName(va
简介: 很多被加壳的 PE 文件在脱壳以后,往往该 PE 文件的资源部分无法用某些资源查看器进行 查看、修改。这其中的主要原因是由于很多加壳程序将部分资源(如 Icon、Version Information) 从资源节 (resource section) 移到了壳增加的节里,这导致很多资源查看器不能 正确识别分布在两个节里的资源(顺便说一下,PE Explorer 基本能识别大部分这种情况的资 源),DT_FixRes 是一个 PE 文件资源修复、重建引擎,它可以将分布在多个节里的资源重新
DIZipWriter is a Delphi component to create PKZip-compatible ZIP archives. Archive output is completely stream-based and works with any TStream descendant. DIZipWriter therefore direclty writes to files (TFileStream), memory (TMemoryStream), or even
DIZipWriter is a Delphi component to create PKZip-compatible ZIP archives. Archive output is based on TStream and writes directlyfiles (TFileStream), memory (TMemoryStream), or database BLOBs(TBlobStream). DIZipWriter's functionality is contained in
DIZipWriter is a component for Delphi (Embarcadero / CodeGear / Borland) to create PKZip-compatible ZIP archives. New ZIP archives may be created as files, as streams, or even entirely in memory using TMemoryStream.