CMMI开发模型1.2版本的描述文档(英文)具体说明了各个过程域及GG,GP, SG,SP。从www.sei.cmu.edu下载的原文件,在www.sei.cmu.edu中还有word格式文件可下。 目录: 18 Purpose Statements 19 Introductory Notes 19 CMMI for Development Version 1.2 viii Table of Contents Related Process Areas 19 Specific Goals 19
The most sophisticated commonly used methods of risk assessment (used especially in the financial sector) involve building statistical models from historical data. Yet such approaches are inadequate when risks are rare or novel because there is insu
Modeling Purposeful Adaptive Behavior with the Principle of Maximum Causal Entropy
Predicting human behavior from a small amount of training examples is a challenging machine learning problem. In this thesis, we introduce the principle of maximum
Causal discovery is highly desirable in science and technology. In this paper, we study a new research problem of discovery of causal relationships in the context of streaming features, where the features steam in one by one. With a Bayesian network