说明: 递归皮层网络RCN识别文本CAPTCHAS的Science论文基础知识和译文,是学术期刊《Science(科学)》2017年10月26日论文A generative vision model that trains with high data efficiency and breaks text-based CAPTCHAs)的完整中译文,14k字,前面增加了7k字的人工智能和脑科学基础知识,合计3k字。文档内有《科学》杂志原文英文网址,可自行下载原文。 <qq_28260611> 在 上传 | 大小:4194304
说明: In this tutorial, we aim to present to researchers and industry practitioners a broad overview of imitation learning techniques and recent applications. Imitation learning is a powerful and practical alternative to reinforcement learning for learnin <weixin_42824489> 在 上传 | 大小:30408704