Game physics ------------------------ 本书更像是一本物理学概论,游戏开发的部分偏少,下与不下你自己定夺。 ---------------------------------------- Trademarks Figures Tables Preface About the CD-ROM INTRODUCTION 1.1 a brief history of the world 1.2 a summary of the topics 1.3 Example
* This is an example of using the accelerometer to integrate the device's * acceleration to a position using the Verlet method. This is illustrated with * a very simple particle system comprised of a few iron balls freely moving on * an inclined woo
AccelerometerPlay - Accelerometer Play 加速小球运动 An example of using the accelerometer to integrate the device's acceleration to a position using the Verlet method. This is illustrated with a very simple particle system comprised of a few iron balls fr
A dissipative scheme based on the Verlet time-stepping algorithm is proposed to decrease the numerical dispersive error and eliminate spurious modes in unstructured grid-based discontinuous Galerkin time-domain (DGTD) method. The dissipative terms ar