


  2. The resistivity ρ of a semiconductor is important for starting material as well as for semiconductor devices. Although carefully controlled during crystal growth, it is not truly uniform in the grown ingot due to variability during growth and segreg
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    • 发布日期:2010-03-18
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  1. A Comprehensive Study of Hot-Carrier Effects in Body-Tied FinFETs

  2. A Comprehensive Study of Hot-Carrier Effects in Body-Tied FinFETs
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  1. Clocking in Modern VLSI Systems

  2. 1 Introduction and Overview Thucydides Xanthopoulos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 The Clock Design Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
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  1. 摩托罗拉XTS3000写频软件

  2. Radio Configuration (电台配置) Radio Wide (电台范围) General (常规) Radio Cloning :选中此项允许电台复制或被复制。两台电台之间通过一条特殊的电缆,完成 CodePlug 的复制。该过程不需要 CPS 。 CPS 也提供复制 Codeplug 的功能,但与此选项无关。 Block Pending CA/PC :选中此项允许无人值守的电台忽略 Call Alert 和 Private Call 呼叫。 Maximum Channels
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  2. This document presents the AT command of GPS operation and application examples. This document can apply to SIM7X00 series modules, including SIM7600C, SIM7600CE and SIM7500JESIMCom 只MTah Smart machine smart decision Version History Date Version What
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  2. 东芝VF-A5说明书pdf,东芝VF-A5说明书E6580516 Introduction Thank you for purchasing the Toshiba High-Performance Inverter"TOSVERT VF-A5" The"VF-A5"inverter has many various functions built in for use with a 3-phase induction motor. All Operations of this unit are
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  1. SY6000-V4变频器英文说明书.pdf

  2. SY6000-V4变频器英文说明书pdf,SY6000-V4变频器英文说明书Chapter 1: Inspection before delivery, maintenance and attentions Chapter 1: Inspection before delivery, maintenance and attentions 1. 1 Inspection before dcliv 1.3 Attentions Each picc of SY6000 scricsAC motor i
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  2. 酷马Q9000英文版说明书pdf,酷马Q9000英文版说明书ma www.chgma,com 7.51/ F Control method[ Fixed curve0E]………………………37 7.66 Parameter Group….,.,.,..….,….39 7.7 T Parameter Group........,….,….,…,……,….240 7.8 Parameter Group ··········.===·==··=··· 7.81 Detection Act Descr
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  1. 瑞信-5G:低成本才是王道 20190213

  2. 瑞信对5G行业做了深度报告和分析,就中国几大运营商的实际进展和成本进行了测算,非常有价值!CREDIT SUISSE 13 February 2019 Focus charts and tables Figure 2: Key enablers of 5G Beam-farming Automation Distributed core Widor channel Software Defined bandwidths Setf-aptimising Networking(SDN) increa
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  1. Accurate lifetime prediction for channel hot carrier stress on sub-1 nm equivalent oxide thickness HK/MG nMOSFET with th

  2. Accurate lifetime prediction for channel hot carrier stress on sub-1 nm equivalent oxide thickness HK/MG nMOSFET with thin titanium nitride capping layer
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  1. NMOSFET栅长对热载流子效应的影响

  2. The hot-carrier effect (HCE) in different channellength NMOSFETs is studied in this letter. It is foundthat the HCE becomes more serious with the channel length decreasing, which results in serious degradations of the threshold voltage and saturation
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  1. Gate length dependence of hot carrier injection degradation in short channel silicon on insulator planar MOSFET

  2. Gate length dependence of hot carrier injection degradation in short channel silicon on insulator planar MOSFET
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