

  1. oracle入门基础

  2. 第一部分 Oracle SQL*PLUS基础 23 第一章 Oracle数据库基础 23 §1.1 理解关系数据库系统(RDBMS) 23 §1.1.1 关系模型 23 §1.1.2 Codd十二法则 24 §1.2 关系数据库系统(RDBMS)的组成 24 §1.2.1 RDBMS 内核 24 §1.2.2 数据字典概念 25 §1.3 SQL、SQL*Plus及 PL/SQL 25 §1.3.1 SQL和SQL*PLUS的差别 25 §1.3.2 PL/SQL语言 27 §1.4 登录 到
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    • 发布日期:2009-07-20
    • 文件大小:3145728
    • 提供者:ddcgy
  1. String matching - Aho & Corasick

  2. ** Reference - Efficient String matching: An Aid to Bibliographic Search ** Alfred V Aho and Margaret J Corasick ** Bell Labratories ** Copyright(C) 1975 Association for Computing Machinery,Inc ** ** Implemented from the 4 algorithms in the paper by
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  1. Oracle8i_9i数据库基础

  2. 第一部分 Oracle SQL*PLUS基础 23 第一章 Oracle数据库基础 23 §1.1 理解关系数据库系统(RDBMS) 23 §1.1.1 关系模型 23 §1.1.2 Codd十二法则 24 §1.2 关系数据库系统(RDBMS)的组成 24 §1.2.1 RDBMS 内核 24 §1.2.2 数据字典概念 25 §1.3 SQL、SQL*Plus及 PL/SQL 25 §1.3.1 SQL和SQL*PLUS的差别 25 §1.3.2 PL/SQL语言 27 §1.4 登录到S
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  1. CSS样式风格定义

  2. 系统默认提供的CSS样式风格定义   说 明:在《动易网站管理系统》中,CSS样式风格定义是可以自己自由定义的,也说是说您可以自由添加N多个自定义的风格,然后在各频道的版式模板中调用就行了。下面提供的是系统默认提供的CSS样式风格定义,里面有详细的定义注释,注释标记为:/* ...... */。  友情提醒:修改风格设置必须具备一定网页css样式设计知识,建议您找些这方面的书看一下,在定义中也不能使用单引号或双引号,否则会容易造成程序错误。 ==========================
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  1. upper-body detector 上身探测器

  2. 上身探测器 matlab版,附测试数据网站,参考论文
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  1. AD630锁相放大资料

  2. a AD630 Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from
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  1. 计算机网络第六版答案

  2. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 6th Edition Solutions to Review Questions and Problems Version Date: May 2012 This document contains the solutions to review questions and problems for the 5th edition of Computer Networking: A Top-Down Appr
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  1. 安森美半导体ESD保护器件MMBZ27VAW-D 数据手册.pdf

  2. 安森美半导体ESD保护器件MMBZ27VAW-D 数据手册pdf,安森美半导体ESD保护器件MMBZ27VAW-D 数据手册MMBZ27VAWT1G TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS 18 1000 15 之 0. 0 0.01 0 +100 +150 40 TEMPERATURE(°o) TEMPERATURE ( C) Figure 1. Typical Breakdown Voltage Figure 2. Typical Leakage Current versus Tem
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  1. SY6000-V4变频器英文说明书.pdf

  2. SY6000-V4变频器英文说明书pdf,SY6000-V4变频器英文说明书Chapter 1: Inspection before delivery, maintenance and attentions Chapter 1: Inspection before delivery, maintenance and attentions 1. 1 Inspection before dcliv 1.3 Attentions Each picc of SY6000 scricsAC motor i
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  2. 罗斯蒙特 8800C 智能涡街流量计说明书pdf,罗斯蒙特 8800C 智能涡街流量计说明书Product data Sheet 00813-0100-4003. ReV Na Catalog2006-2007 Rosemount 8800c THE ROSEMOUNT 8800CR REDUCER VORTEX EXTENDS THE MEASURABLE FLOW RANGEAT A REDUCED COST Rosemount Reliability -Designed with same
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  1. 微型电缸 英文手册.pdf

  2. 微型电缸 英文手册pdf,微型电缸 英文手册High Rigidity Cylinder body and Cylinder front are integrated to maximizes the rigidity and the material Bady composed of compcsite ma: er ais has been promo, ing the improvement of the durability Front Cover Al in cne unit Cyli
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  2. 酷马Q7000-IP英文版说明书pdf,酷马Q7000-IP英文版说明书9 Parameters instructio 9.1 Initial setting 9.2 Parameters of Function for application 35 9.3 Adjust With Parameter 9.4 Parameters of Instruction 9.5 Parameters of motor 9.6 Parameters of Interface Card 42 9.7 Para
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  1. 6SE71变频器的说明手册.pdf

  2. 6SE71变频器的说明手册pdf,6SE71变频器的说明手册Contents 0 Definitions……,,,, 0-2 Design and descr iption Transport,, Unpacking, nstallation.,…,……… 2-1 2.1 Transport and unpacking 2-1 2.2 storage 2-1 2.3 Mounting 2-2 Connecting-up 3.1 Power connections∴ .3-2 3.2 Contro
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  1. Xu et al. - 2019 - Making Big Data Open in Edges A Resource-Efficien.pdf

  2. 论文 - Making Big Data Open in Edges: A Resource-Efficient Blockchain-Based Approach872 lEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS. VOL 30. NO. 4. APRIL 2019 mobile edge computing collaboration in 5G ecosystem. The and the throughput can ach
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  2. 派特莱报警器EWH24E/EXN 手册pdf,派特莱为防爆产品预先录制了音乐与旋律的组合,适合2区和22区的应用。■ How Explosion Occurs Various Applications for Explosion-Proof, Explosion-Safe and Harsh Environments. Prerequisites for an explosion Mixture of oxygen and explosive substance develop explosiv
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  1. ISO_16845_2004_FR.pdf.pdf

  2. ISO_16845_2004, CAN总线,Conformance Test Plan, 一致性测试lso16845:2004(E Contents Page Foreword Scope.… Normative references…… 2345 Terms and definitions Abbreviated terms…,… General m 日日m 5.1 Architecture of the test plan(TP)…… 5.2 TP organization . 5.3 Hi
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  2. DG409LE芯片使用手册VISHAY DG408LE DG409LE www.vishay.com Vishay siliconix ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER LIMIT UNIT V+ to v-e 18 GND to v- -18 Digital Inputs a, Vs, Vp V-)-0.3to(+0.3 Current(any terminal) mA Peak Current, S or D(pulsed at 1 ms, 10 duty
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  2. 电阻规格书,国产-风华-电阻规格书.pdf常乱厚膜片式固定電阻器 General Thick Film Chip Fixed Resistor ■額定值 Ratings 電阻温度系數T.C.R(ppm/C) 型號 阻值範圍 Tyr Resistance range 標稱阻值允許偏差 Resistance Tolerance ±C.5 ±1 士2 ±10% 109≤R<1009 ±300 ±300 ±300 ±300 01005 1002<R≤1M2 ±250 ±250 ±250 ±2
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  1. Altium Designer 19.1 官方教程.pdf

  2. Altium Designer 19.1 官方教程 Online Documentation for Altium Products - From Idea to Manufacture - Driving a PCB Design through Altium Designer - 2018-02-09.pdfControlled project, or a managed project that is stored in a managed content server. Use the
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  1. CSS 有序或者无序列表的前面的标记 list-style-type 属性的实现

  2. 例子: ul.none{list-style-type:none} ul.circle {list-style-type:circle} ul.square {list-style-type:square} ol.upper-roman {list-style-type:upper-roman} ol.lower-alpha {list-style-type:lower-alpha} list-style-type none: <ul class="non
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